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[25/01/2025 Trans*performativy @ Auditorio Municipal de Velas, São Jorge, Azores]

On January 25th, I'll be performing “Trans*performativity” in Velas, São Jorge in the Azores, at the Municipal Auditorium at 9:30p.m.
This project has been on tour for the last few months, and will continue throughout this year.

Here are the next performance dates/places in case you haven't already caught up with us :):

▫ 25/01/2025 9:30pm - Velas' Municipal Auditorium, Velas, Azores.
▫ 21/03/2025 - Miranda do Douro, Portugal.
▫ 24/05/2025 - Mesão Frio, Portugal.
▫ 04/10/2025 - Armamar, Portugal.

Past performances:
▫ 07/12/2024 - Foz Côa's Municial Audtorium, Foz Côa, Portugal.
▫ 10/11/2024 - DERIDA Stage,Aerowaves in Sofia, Bulgaria.
▫ 27/10/2024 - Vila Verde's, Municipal Library, Braga, Portugal.

[8/Sep/2024 Trans*performativy @ Queer Haarlem Festival Schuur, Haarlem, Netherlands]

On September 8th, I'll be performing in Aura's show Trans*performativy at the Queer Haarlem Festival in the Netherlands.

[19/May/2024 Cabine do L.E.M. @ Grande Pesca Sonora]

Today at Grande Pesca Sonora, Laboratório de Experimentação Musical was present with Cabine. A project that blends music by the Orquestra Jazz de Matosinhos with poetry readings through audience participation.

[16/Apr/24 Flormiga @ RTP - Portugal em Direto]

I had the pleasure of handing over a new Flormiga to the third grade class at the Primary School in Sendim, which received the pilot Flormiga in 2022, which they affectionately called "Sendinha". And also to two new classes at the Corim Primary School in Perafita who will be looking after their Flormigas for the first time. RTP covered this first event.
Watch the news here at 17min53s >>

[5/Apr/24 Achei "Achei Tendência" Tendência @ Aniversário Maus Hábitos]

On Saturday the 5th, at 7pm in the Maus Hábitos Exhibition Hall, I'll be presenting "Achei "Achei Tendência" Tendência", a performance with notes on echo chambers, positive feedback and other sound phenomena about maintaining one's opinions. My special thanks go to Tales Frey for inviting me, Miguel Amorim for helping me get my ideas in order, Flor for her assistance with the patch and Inês Pinheiro Torres for production assistance.

[4, 11, 18 and 24/Nov/2023 Apontamentos sobre as Masculinidades @ Atelier Galeria FFAC]

My video piece "O Dildotauro de Lide", developed during a residency at Artworks, will be present and well accompanied at the exhibition curated by Tales Frey "Notes on Masculinities", open every Saturday in November at Atelier Galeria FFAC.

[11/Nov/2023 Concerto de Som Martinho @ Asterisco]

Tonight I will be playing as SOM FLORES at Asterisco. Concert starts at 9 P.M. and there will be roasted chestnuts and wine. Free entry!

[22/Apr/2023 Festival DDD @ Rivoli]

I will be playing computer with my dear friend girlflux at the party set by Odete at the DDD Festival. Saturday, the 22nd at the Rivoli at 11pm.

[09/Feb/2023 @ CAMPUS PCS]

My residency at CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva thus ends with a preview of the project "O DILDOTAURO DE LIDE: LABIRINTO". With a very special thanks to my team of friends who supported me in this endeavour and another thanks to everyone who came a participated in the talk.
Preview Promotion >>

[24/Nov/2022 @ E.B./J.I. de Sendim (Matosinhos)]

The Flormiga project finally made its debut in a primary school/kindergarten. A class from E.B./J.I. de Sendim, received a Flormiga to take care of and watch its plant growing and maturing musically over the next 3 months!
On OJM's educational program's instagram >>
UPDATE: The class says goodbye to "Sendinha" the Flormiga >>

[10/Jul/2022 @ Casa Comum – Reitoria da Universidade do Porto]

Next sunday at 9:30 pm I will present and perform in-pace. A piece by me and Mariana Leite Soares, created as part of TUP's performance cycle DESPERTAR.
All info here >>

[30/Jun/2022 @ CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva]

It is with great joy that I would like to announce that my project O DILDOTAURO DE LIDE: LABIRINTO has been selected for CAMPUS' artist residency program.

[21/May/2022 @ Auditório Carlos Paredes, Lisboa]

Tonight, I will be playing music live together with Girlflux (lights) in GINECEU, a performance by Gui Silverstre (maré d'esperança). A Teatro Universitário do Porto participation in FATAL(annual lisbon academic theater festival). Info and reservations here.

[09 & 10/Apr/2022 @ mala voadora, Porto]

After the first 4 presentation dates of the performance show O QUE VEM DEPOIS DA ESPERANÇA?(Hilda de Paulo & Teatro Universitário do Porto) sold out, I am happy to announce we will have two extra dates in the 9th and 10th of April. If you missed the first dates book your tickets quickly! :)

[01/Mar/2022 @ Biruta Records]

redoma - entreparedes/redoma, a live-music video I shot, debuted on youtube. I'm always delighted to work with such amazing friends.
Watch the video on youtube >>
redoma on bandcamp >>

[08/Feb/2022 @ GMP]

I performed in Odete's installation The scythe is a crescent moon, part of the exhibition Erro 417: Expectativa Falhada, curated by Marta Espiridião in Galeria Municipal do Porto.

[11/Nov/2021 @ Pedreira]

I presented at Pedreira the work-in-progress O DILDOTAURO DE LIDE (PRÓLOGO) as showcase of the Artistic Residency No Entulho, followed by a conversation with Hilda de Paulo who supported me during this process and an introduction by Francisca Marques from Artworks who hosted me in residency.

[13/Sep/2021 @ RPEA]

The article "Cant(a)eiro e Flormiga: Relato de Dois Projetos de Música com Plantas em Ambientes Escolares" co-authored by myself, Filipe Lopes and Rui Penha, is now published in Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística Vol.10, #2 .
Read the article here >>

[23 and 24, 26 to 29/Jul/2021 @ F.D.U.P. Parking lot]

The show El Terror, produced by Teatro Universitário do Porto (executive produced by me, Miguel Amorim, Susana Henriques Figueira and Filipa Santos) with artistic direction by Ana Isabel Castro and performed by members of TUP, premiers on July 23rd and runs until the 29th. Reservations for the show by e-mail reservas.tup@gmail.com.
More info at the bottom of TUP's page >>

[15/JulL/2021 @ ARTWORKS

I am very excited to announce that I have been selected by PEDREIRA to join ArtWorks A.R.N.E. #03 - Art Residencies No Entulho, later this year.

[11/Jul/2021 @ Pátio do Museu de História Natural e Ciência da U.Porto]

I will playing music live in the performance ramerrame by Inês Pinheiro Torres and Marisa Catita - a piece from the cycle of performances RISCAR by Teatro Universitário do Porto, on the event Noites no Pátio da CASA COMUM.

[4/Jul/2021 @ Noites no Pátio

I will be releasing a new single on my bandcamp page next Sunday!
The music-video for this song: MOÇO will also premiere online at CASA COMUM's channel the same day.
This film is part of RISCAR - a cycle of performances produced by Teatro Universitário do Porto commissioned by CASA COMUM of the University of Porto.
I had the pleasure of performing with Bernardo de César and working together with Miguel Amorim and Manuel Barros in this project.
I hope you enjoy it!
Listen to MOÇO @ bandcamp >>
Watch the MV @ youtube >>

[2/Jun/2021 - ??? @ Criatório]

I will be performing and producing O QUE VEM DEPOIS DA ESPERANÇA? - a piece by Teatro Universitário do Porto directed by Hilda de Paulo. This project counts with the support of Criatório and will be presented next year, in 2022.
It dwells on the search of visibility, empowerment, sense of belonging and trans representation in Portugal and relies on a overwhelmingly trans artistic team. Stay tuned for more news!

[21/Mar/2021 @ Elemento Musical (blog)]

My newest album ☷T'AI☰ was featured on the music blog Elemento Musical.

[03/Mar/2021 @ RUC - OSCILLATOR]

céu II from my album doravante was featured on Nuno Pires' podcast OSCILLATOR at RUC - Rádio Universidade de Coimbra.

[24/Apr/2021 @ bandcamp]

Next Saturday (24) my brand new album ☷T'AI☰ will be released on bandcamp! Follow me to get notified as soon as it gets out 8)
☷T'AI☰ is out now on bandcamp and soundcloud!
The album will also be available in many other sound streaming platforms (spotify, itunes, apple music etc.) from the 1st of May so check out som flores there too if you're on them!

[20/Mar/2021 @ bandcamp]

My next album — doravante — will debut at 9:38 AM on March 20 with the arrival of spring.
doravante is out now! Check it out on bandcamp :).
Listen to doravante @ bandcamp >>

[03/Feb/2021 @ CASA COMUM U.P.]

Today's Pó-De-TUP podcast episode features my original text, reading and music: theia — a story about destruction as a creative impulse through the tale of the great impact.
Listen to the reading >>

[20/Jan/2021 @ bandcamp]

corvo rosa e o ritmo fantasma was released today on my new personal bandcamp page. This album is a collection of old guitar works I recorded back in 2014.
Listen to the album @ bandcamp >>

[26 & 27/Dec/2020 @ TUP'S HOMEPAGE]

TUP's movie MONO will be live streaming next weekend with free access for all. Please consider donating!
Watch the live stream >>

[13 & 17/Dec/2020 @ Cinema Passos Manuel]

I am part of the cast and production of the movie MONO, a production by TUP directed by Joana Mont'Alverne will be screening at Passos Manuel, Porto. MONO debuts December 13th in a morning session followed by a second screening in the late afternoon of December 17th. Tickets can be booked by sending an e-mail to reservas.tup[at]gmail.com . Please follow TUP on the web to keep up with the latest updates.
Event @ CASA COMUM >> TUP official website >> TUP instagram page >> TUP facebook page >>

[CANCELED(26-30/Nov/2020 @ TUP)]

I will be performing in Zona A Defender, a collective-creation performance about collective-action movements.
See the instagram post >>

[08/Nov/2020 @ RTP3]

Jorge Queijo (OJM educational program) presents L.E.M's Música, programação e matemática: Linguagem Python em quatro passos in the news channel RTP.
Video starting at time 46:19 >>

[06/Nov/2020 @ RIMAS E BATIDAS]

Rimas e Batidas features L.E.M.'s Música, programação e matemática: Linguagem Python em quartro passos interviewing me, Pedro Sarmento and Minus.
Read the interview >>


L.E.M (Laboratório de Experimentação Musical - Music Experimentation Lab) 's new tutorial series - Música, programação e matemática: Linguagem Python em quatro passos - is now avaliable online. Contest open until November 30th.
Learn Python with Music >>


Pó-De-TUP — a podcast series by Teatro Universitário do Porto — debuts today, featuring my reading and text of Estímulo, Miragem — the portuguese version of the original narrative of the music album estímulo.miragem.
Listen to the reading >>


L.E.M (Laboratório de Experimentação Musical - Music Experimentation Lab) was featured on OJM's instagram page. L.E.M is part of the OJM's educational program, where I currently teach about digital music technologies and programming through music, to classes of students from Matosinhos' public high schools.
See the instagram post >>

[06/Dec/2019 @ ESMAD]

I will be speaking about my work in "20 a 20000Hz" sound practices event at Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design of the Porto Polytechnic. The lecture is entitled "som rosas, senhor, som rosas — plantas e sound design interactivo" and is open to the faculty's students.
More info @ ESMAD's website >>